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Individual therapy is an excellent way to understand, evaluate, and individualize the causes and behavior behind addiction. 

At Freeman Recovery Center, our staff of professional counselors for individual therapy near Nashville, Tennessee, can help clients with addiction learn everything they need to know about their addiction. From there, clients can develop healthy strategies for coping and build a plan to avoid returning to drugs or alcohol in the future. Individual therapy at Freeman Recovery Center is a critical aspect of all our treatment programs. and is often considered the best first step. 

What is Individual Therapy?

At Freman, no two individual therapy sessions are the same. Each is met with a sense of individualization so that every client can reach their personal goals, not someone else’s. 

In individual therapy, each guest at Freeman Recovery Center will have regular one-on-one counseling sessions with their dedicated therapist. Individual therapy helps our guests through the process of expressing emotions, solving personal problems, and understanding themselves while receiving evidence-based interventions from a certified professional.

Individual therapy allows our staff to form meaningful connections with each and every guest. We believe there is no universal treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Our individual therapy in Nashville is structured to meet and exceed each individual’s needs. 

It’s time to reclaim your life

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(615) 645-3677

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man has a therapy session near Nashville, TN

Benefits of Individual Therapy Near Nashville, TN

Counseling is a useful tool with plenty of benefits for most. There is no problem too big or too small for individual therapy in Nashville to help you. 

Are you debating if counseling is right for you? While we believe therapy can help anyone, below are a few examples of topics that we cover during therapy in Nashville at our drug and alcohol addiction facility to guide your decision: 

  • Symptoms of stress and anxiety
  • Interpersonal difficulties, family problems, problems with assertiveness, etc.
  • Bereavement and grief related to the loss of a loved one (i.e. relationship breakups, deaths, parental divorce, and other major losses)
  • Questions/confusion about identity, self-image, sexuality, gender, and religious concerns
  • Experience with sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, abuse, or other trauma
  • Thoughts of suicide, death, or hurting others
  • Harmful behaviors such as drug or alcohol abuse or self-harm

When Should I Seek Counseling?

It can be difficult to take the next steps and enroll in the proper treatment program. If any of the above resonates with you—treatment could be the most beneficial option to consider. 

Here are a few conditions under which one could deeply benefit from therapy in Nashville:

  • Unhappy on most days or feel a sense of hopelessness
  • Worry excessively or are constantly on edge
  • Unable to concentrate on schoolwork or other activities
  • Unable to sleep at night or constantly feeling tired
  • Experienced a change in appetite or weight
  • Experienced a loss (e.g., a relationship breakup, a parent’s death, etc.)
  • Increased use of alcohol or other drugs (including cigarettes)
  • Overwhelmed with the aspects of life 
  • Mood swings 
  • Having harmful and violent thoughts 

What is Individual Therapy in Nashville Like?

Individual therapy in Nashville is a personalized, one-on-one counseling experience where you work with a licensed therapist to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a confidential setting. The therapy sessions are tailored to your unique needs, helping you address issues such as substance use disorder, anxiety, depression, or trauma.

The counselor will ask questions about you, your life, and your reason for attending therapy. This discussion will help the therapist understand you and your concerns. This, in turn, allows the therapist to make an accurate initial assessment of your life situation and circumstances. Your future sessions will typically be less structured than the initial one as you become more familiar with one another and dive deeper into specific areas. Moving forward, you will work to meet independent goals to overcome challenges.

What Will My Counselor Expect Of Me?

Counselors are here to help you. They will serve as your support. 

From day one, our professional counselors will expect you to participate in sessions and contribute to the overall process. Don’t worry if you are not motivated or ready to make big changes on day one. That’s okay. As long as you show up for your sessions open to discussion and honest about your situation, the counselor can help you through the rest.

During therapy in Nashville, counselors will help you explore both your thoughts and feelings and find constructive ways to work through them that are comfortable for both sides. The more a counselor knows about where you are and what you want to achieve, the better he or she will be able to guide you. It is truly a team effort. 

client in a therapy session in Nashville, Tennessee

When is Therapy Effective?

Different counselors vary in their approaches and beliefs when it comes to individual counseling; however, they will all be focused on helping you deal with the problems that drew you there above all else. Counselors will expect you to show up prepared to talk about what is bothering you, to be open about your thoughts and feelings, and to discuss potential ways you can address your concerns.

If you have a concern about your personal life, a counselor is here to help. Experts certainly cannot fix your problems for you, but an experienced counselor will be deeply skilled at assisting you in figuring out what you want and the best path for you to take to get there. No matter what, they will be there to guide you every step of the way. There are here for you. 

Start Therapy in Nashville Today

Addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders can lead to confusing and complex emotions. Individual therapy can help to make sense of these emotions as well as the disruptive thought patterns or behavior behind them. Counselors are here to help you learn healthy ways to cope with the underlying causes of addiction to help you reach your goals.

At Freeman, we offer a plethora of services, including individual therapy to help you through your journey. 

Contact Freeman Recovery Center today to start individual therapy for addiction treatment.

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