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Therapy and counseling for drug and alcohol addiction treatment is an integral part of achieving sobriety. Freeman Recovery Center has multiple facilities to help support your recovery journey through addiction counseling in Nashville, TN. The facilities offer inpatient and outpatient treatment options that meet your needs, whether you are just starting addiction treatment or are transitioning back home. 

At Freeman Drug and Alcohol Addiction Center, we offer specialized treatments to address alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and co-occurring mental health conditions, also called dual diagnosis. We use evidence-based treatment options that help you understand the cause of your addiction while developing a recovery plan to stay sober.  Contact us at (615) 645-3677 to discuss which faith-based treatment program best meets your recovery needs.

What is Addiction Therapy for Alcohol and Substance Abuse?

Addiction therapy for alcohol and substance abuse is a specialized form of psychiatric treatment that’s designed to help you overcome dependency on addictive substances. It involves a comprehensive approach to address the physical, psychological, and social aspects of addiction. The primary goal is to help you achieve and maintain sobriety while improving mental wellness and overall quality of life. 

Freeman Alcohol and Drug Addiction Center uses evidence-based addiction therapy in Nashville, TN to address your needs. You undergo a thorough assessment that forms the foundation of a comprehensive and customized treatment plan. Addiction therapy is a long-term process that requires ongoing support and commitment to achieve lasting recovery. We encourage you to to learn more about the addiction treatment process.

What is Addiction Counseling for Alcohol and Substance Abuse?

Addiction counseling for alcohol and substance abuse is a treatment that focuses on specific issues or challenges that may trigger substance abuse. It helps you manage and overcome dependency using a solution-oriented supportive process. You address specific challenges on your journey toward sobriety within individual and group settings.

Counseling may also include family participation to help build a support network, which can be vital for sustained recovery. Addiction counseling can serve as a gateway to deeper therapy if more complex psychological issues need to be addressed. However, the primary aim of drug and alcohol addiction counseling is to equip you with the tools you need to achieve and maintain sobriety.

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(615) 645-3677

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How to Find Drug and Alcohol Addiction Therapy and Counseling Programs in Nashville, TN

There are several simple steps you can take to find drug and alcohol addiction therapy and counseling program options in Nashville, TN. The simplest and fastest is to call Freeman Alcohol and Drug Addiction Center at (615) 645-3677. We encourage you to call today to learn more about our inpatient or outpatient programs we’ve briefly outlined below.

Therapy and Counseling Programs in Dickson

Freeman Drug and Alcohol Addiction Center’s outpatient facility is located in Dickson, TN. We offer an intensive outpatient program (IOP) and partial hospitalization program (PHP) that provide evidence-based therapies to help you build on your recovery foundation and support your transition back to work and your community.

  • PHP/IOP/OP Facility: 222 State St, Dickson, TN 37055

Therapy and Counseling Treatment in Burns

Our separate detox and residential inpatient program in Burns, Tennessee, gives you easy access to the advantages found in Nashville. It is an ideal location when you are looking for a balance between the peace of small-town living and the convenience of an urban location.

  • Detox/Residential Inpatient Facility: 1615 HWY 96, Burns, TN 37029
How to find Drug and Alcohol Counseling and Therapy Options

How to find Drug and Alcohol Counseling and Therapy Options in Nashville, TN

You can take several simple steps to find additional drug and alcohol counseling and therapy options in Nashville, TN. Consider these suggestions that will help you locate an inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation facility that offers psychological intervention for drug and alcohol addiction.

  • Online Research: Using your favorite search engine, enter keywords like “addiction counseling near me” or “relapse prevention counseling in [your location].” The results should include inpatient and outpatient counseling centers in your local area.
  • Treatment Directories: Explore online and offline directories of databases that specialize in addiction treatment. Directories often allow you to search for specific types of treatment and filter the results by your location.
  • Local Healthcare Providers: Your physician, therapist, or local mental health clinic typically keeps a list of resources in the area, including those for addiction therapy and counseling services.
  • Referrals: Ask for referrals from people and sources you trust. This may include support groups, your primary care physician, or friends or relatives who have had positive experiences with an addiction treatment center.
  • Insurance Providers: Your insurance provider will have a list of in-network healthcare providers and facilities for drug and alcohol addiction therapy and counseling.
  • Local Support Group Meetings: Local group meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, will likely have members who have had positive experiences at nearby therapy and counseling centers.
  • Local Mental Health Organizations: Local mental health organizations and community centers that specialize in addiction treatment typically keep a list of therapy options and counseling services.

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How Does Drug & Alcohol Addiction Counseling Work?

Drug and alcohol addiction counseling work through a structured process to help you overcome dependency on substances using practical strategies and providing guidance and support. There are typically several steps to the drug and alcohol addiction counseling process. It begins with a thorough assessment of your substance use, mental health, and personal circumstances.

Based on this assessment, you work with your counselor to set goals that become a core component of the counseling process. Through counseling, you learn practical skills to manage cravings, stress, and other challenges that can lead to relapse. Throughout the process, your progress is regularly monitored, and the plan may be adjusted based on new challenges. A significant focus of addiction support counseling is on developing a relapse prevention plan so you can identify early warning signs of relapse and create strategies to maintain sobriety.

How Long Does Addiction Counseling Last?

How long addiction counseling lasts depends on several factors, including your needs, the severity of your addiction, and your progress during counseling sessions. Short-term counseling focuses on immediate challenges and may last up to 12 weeks, while long-term counseling can continue for a year to address deeper issues and ensure sustained .

The duration of behavioral addiction counseling may take longer if you’re dealing with co-occurring mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression. To effectively address the underlying mental health concerns, additional time is often needed. These added challenges require a comprehensive and extended approach to ensure that your well-being is considered. Contact Freeman Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Center at (615) 645-3677 for a personalized understanding of how long your counseling might last and to discuss your unique situation and needs.

Do Tennessee Addiction Treatment Programs Offer Drug and Alcohol Addiction Therapy and Counseling?

Do Tennessee Addiction Treatment Programs Offer Drug and Alcohol Addiction Therapy and Counseling?

Yes, most Tennessee addiction treatment programs offer both drug and alcohol addiction therapy and counseling. Both provide a comprehensive approach to address your immediate challenges and develop coping strategies while addressing the underlying psychological issues that may trigger addiction. Providing alcohol and drug addiction counseling and therapy focuses on the psychological and practical aspects of overcoming addiction.

For example, in trauma recovery, therapy and counseling sessions help you address the traumatic event and intense feelings the memories evoke, and develop coping strategies to reduce this trigger for addiction. 

Let’s add an additional paragraph and incorporate the keyword “behavioral addiction counseling” since I removed it above. You can dive a bit deeper into how its duration depends on individual needs…i.e., if a person has a co-occurring psychological issue, it could last longer, etc. You can keep it high level and end with a CTA of sorts – i.e., if they want more precise information as it relates to their needs, contact Freeman Recovery Center…

Let’s add a second paragraph with another CTA – it doesn’t have to include a link but you can incorporate some key phrases and encourage the reader to learn more about Freeman’s addiction treatment programs.

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What Types of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling & Therapy Programs Are Available Near Nashville?

There are several types of alcohol and substance abuse counseling and drug addiction therapy programs near Nashville that can meet the diverse needs of many people who are struggling with addiction. Each program is designed to address different aspects of addiction and is customized to meet your needs based on a comprehensive initial assessment.  

Throughout your treatment program, your progress is monitored, and your program is adjusted based on your progress. Freeman Substance Abuse Recovery Center uses evidence-based therapeutic interventions for alcohol and substance abuse counseling and therapy programs in Tennessee. Below, we’ve provided examples of interventions you’ll have access to.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Addiction

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Addiction

Cognitive  behavioral therapy (CBT), sometimes referred to as cognitive therapy, for addiction is a widely used and highly effective approach. The method is based on the concept that unhealthy behaviors are triggered by distorted or negative thought patterns. By identifying and changing these thoughts, you can develop healthier behaviors and coping mechanisms.

CBT  focuses on the present moment and helps you recognize and challenge the thoughts and beliefs that lead to substance use, helping to reduce your reliance. For example, someone might believe they need alcohol to relax after a stressful day. Cognitive therapy helps identify this pattern and understand the role it plays in addiction.

You also develop alternative and healthier ways of coping with stress. A key component of CBT is skill building. You learn practical strategies for managing cravings and avoiding triggers that previously led to substance abuse. These skills help you take control and make a positive change in your life. CBT is also a flexible approach that can be adapted to the needs of each person.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for Addiction

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for Addiction

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)  for addiction is a specialized form of CBT that is designed to help you manage intense emotions, significant factors in addiction. Identifying these emotions is an important factor in addiction recovery programs and behavioral health counseling. DBT has been adapted for various mental health issues, as it’s particularly effective in addressing emotional regulation and impulsivity.

Dialectical behavior therapy focuses on teaching four main skills: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. One of the unique aspects of DBT is the emphasis on balancing acceptance and change. This dual focus allows you to acknowledge your current struggles while working towards positive behavioral change.

Family Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Family Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Family therapy and counseling for addiction is a crucial component as it recognizes that addiction impacts not just you but also your entire family. It is part of the overall comprehensive approach to psychotherapy for addiction involving working with you and your family members. The approach addresses the complex dynamics that contribute to and result from substance abuse.

The primary goal of family therapy and counseling is to improve communication, strengthen relationships, and foster a supportive environment that aids in your recovery. One of the key benefits is helping to identify and address patterns of behavior that contribute to addiction. Family therapy brings these issues to light and provides you and your family with the tools to develop healthier interactions.

Family therapy and counseling also focus on education. It helps family members understand addiction as a disease and reduces the stigma and blame that can often hinder recovery. Family therapy can also address the emotional and psychological toll that addiction takes on family members. These holistic approaches to addiction counseling have proven to be highly effective not just for the individual but for the family as a whole. Family counseling in addiction treatment fosters a supportive and understanding environment that significantly improves the chances of recovery and long-term sobriety.

Individual Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Individual Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Individual therapy and counseling for addiction are personalized and focused approaches customized to meet your needs and challenges. They are also an integral part of your recovery counseling services. You engage in a one-on-one setting to explore the underlying causes of addiction, develop coping strategies, and work toward recovery in a confidential and supportive environment.

One of the primary goals of individualized addiction counseling is to help you understand the root causes of substance use. This self-awareness is crucial for long-term recovery, as it focuses your attention on the underlying issues that drive addiction rather than just the symptoms. Individual therapy also focuses on skill-building to develop practical strategies to manage cravings, avoid triggers, and cope with stress. You develop a strong therapeutic relationship with your therapist. This emotional support provides a safe space to express your fears, struggles, and hopes without judgment.  

Group Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Group Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Group therapy and counseling for addiction is a collaborative treatment approach where you come together in a structured setting with others who struggle with addiction. You share experiences, provide mutual support, and learn from each other. The groups are facilitated by a trained mental health professional who guides the group through discussions, exercises, and therapeutic techniques.

One of the primary benefits of group therapy for addiction is the sense of community it fosters. Addiction can be an isolating experience, and group therapy breaks this isolation by connecting you with others who are facing similar challenges. Group therapy also provides a platform for you to develop and practice social skills, which can be critical for maintaining sobriety. Through interactions with other group members, participants improve communication, empathy, and conflict resolution skills.   

Group therapy offers diverse perspectives on recovery, where members learn from each other’s successes and setbacks. Finally, group therapy helps normalize the recovery process. Seeing others at different stages of recovery provides a realistic view of the ups and downs that are part of overcoming addiction. It helps you set realistic expectations and prepare yourself for potential challenges, all while reinforcing the belief that you are not alone in your journey. 

Holistic Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Holistic Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Holistic therapy and counseling for addiction is an integrative approach focusing on treating the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—rather than just the symptoms of substance abuse. This type of treatment recognizes that addiction is a complex issue influenced by various physical, emotional, and spiritual factors, and it seeks to promote overall well-being as a path to recovery.

A key aspect of holistic therapy is the incorporation of complementary and alternative therapies alongside traditional counseling methods. These may include yoga, meditation, acupuncture, nutrition counseling, and art therapy. Holistic treatment also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and personal growth in the recovery process. Through practices like mindfulness, you can develop a heightened awareness to help identify triggers and cravings before they lead to relapse. By focusing on the whole person, holistic therapy seeks to create lasting change and support long-term recovery.

Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Counseling for Addiction

Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Counseling for Addiction

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling approach designed to raise your motivation to change. Unlike confrontational methods, MI is a client-centered technique that helps explore the ambivalence about substance use in a non-judgmental and supportive environment. The primary goal is to help you find your reasons and desire for change, fostering a commitment to recovery.

A key principle is the belief that lasting change is more likely when it comes from you rather than being imposed on you. The process helps you identify discrepancies between your current behaviors and broader goals and values. The collaborative approach supports your autonomy, reduces resistance, and helps you feel understood and respected.

Motivational interviewing is particularly effective in the early stages of mental health counseling for addiction when you may be unsure or ambivalent about the need for change. Overall, motivational interviewing and counseling for addiction focus on empowering you to take ownership of your recovery.

Psychotherapy and Counseling for Addiction

Psychotherapy and Counseling for Addiction

Psychotherapy and counseling for addiction is a comprehensive approach that addresses the psychological and emotional aspects of substance abuse. The goal is to address the root causes and facilitate lasting recovery. Unlike other forms of treatment that might focus on behavior modification or immediate coping strategies, psychotherapy seeks to explore the deeper issues that contribute to addiction.

These issues may include unresolved trauma, emotional pain, mental health disorders, or long-standing behavioral patterns that fuel substance use. Psychotherapy works to identify these problems while playing a crucial role in relapse prevention.

Art Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Art Therapy and Counseling for Addiction

Art therapy and counseling for addiction are creative forms of treatment that play a valuable role in substance dependency therapy. They provide a nonverbal outlet for expressing emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Through various art forms—such as drawing, painting, sculpture, or collage—you process deep-seated feelings that might be difficult to articulate through words alone.

One of the key benefits is its ability to bypass defenses that often arise in traditional talk therapy. Addiction is frequently linked to unresolved trauma, emotional pain, or suppressed memories. Art therapy allows you to express these complex emotions and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. It also helps you develop coping mechanisms and emotional regulation skills.

Art can serve as a bridge to more effective communication when you struggle to express your feelings. In a group therapy setting, the shared experience can reduce feelings of isolation and build a sense of community, which is vital for long-term recovery.

client and therapist during dual diagnosis treatment near Farragut, TN

How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Therapy and Counseling Cost in Tennessee?

The cost of drug and alcohol therapy and counseling in Tennessee depends on the type and duration of treatment. For a 30-day program, outpatient costs may range from $1,000 to $10,000, while inpatient rehabilitation may cost from $10,000 to $60,000. Many centers accept insurance, which can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket costs. 

Call Freeman Drug and Alcohol Addiction Center today or use our contact form to check the coverage on your insurance policy and learn more about how therapy and counseling can support your journey toward a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Will Health Insurance Cover Drug & Alcohol Addiction Therapy and Counseling in Middle Tennessee?

Yes, health insurance often covers drug and alcohol addiction therapy and counseling in Middle Tennessee. When you are under 26, you still may be covered by your parent’s insurance policy. Coverage usually includes outpatient and inpatient substance misuse counseling and therapy and medication-assisted treatment. However, the extent of the coverage varies depending on your policy.

Insurance coverage for addiction treatment falls under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. Most plans must include mental health and substance abuse treatment, but there are exceptions. Call Freeman Addiction Recovery Center today to check the coverage limits and benefits on your insurance policy. Learn more about how drug and alcohol addiction therapy and counseling can help restore and repair your personal and professional life.

Which Health Insurance Providers Cover Drug & Alcohol Addiction Counseling and Therapy?

Many health insurance providers offer coverage for drug and alcohol addiction counseling and therapy. These commonly include Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, TriWest, Magellan, MultiPlan, and United Healthcare. Your policy may cover a range of addiction treatment services, including outpatient therapy, inpatient rehab, detoxification, and medication-assisted treatment.

The extent of coverage varies by provider and plan, so it’s important to check the specific details of your policy. Many insurance providers also offer access to a network of approved treatment centers, so the care you receive within the network has lower out-of-pocket costs. Your coverage may include individual, group, and family therapy sessions, as well as holistic and alternative treatments.

a women stands in the forest reaching her hands to the air

What are the Benefits of Admitting  to a Private Inpatient Therapy and Counseling Rehab Center?

There are multiple benefits to admitting to a private inpatient therapy and counseling rehab center. The setting provides you with a safe space to focus on your recovery with professional support available 24/7 to address addiction and co-occurring mental health issues. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Customized Treatment Plans: Private rehab centers typically use an in-depth evaluation and assessment to form the foundation of a customized treatment plan. Using this personalized approach increases your potential to achieve sobriety and long-term sustainable recovery.
  • Customized Detoxification: Private drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers commonly offer medically supervised detox programs. This ensures a safer and more comfortable process while reducing the risks associated with withdrawal.
  • Comprehensive and Holistic Care: Private inpatient drug and alcohol facilities often provide you with a range of therapies, including alternative and holistic treatments like art, music, nutrition, and yoga. A holistic healing approach addresses the whole person and increases your potential for success.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Private centers offer a discreet environment with a higher level of confidentiality and privacy. This can be important when you’re concerned about your personal or professional reputation.
  • Intense, Focused Treatment: A private inpatient setting provides you with 24/7 support and continuous access to medical care. This means you receive immediate help when it’s needed. You live in a controlled and distraction-free environment so you can fully focus on your recovery.
  • Amenities: Private drug and alcohol rehab facilities often have comfortable living arrangements within a peaceful environment that can contribute to your treatment experience. Amenities may include fitness programs, spa treatments, private rooms, and gourmet meals, all of which contribute to a positive experience.
  • Experienced Professionals: At private rehab centers, you have access to highly qualified and experienced professionals who specialize in addiction treatment. The staff-to-client ratio is typically lower, so you have more personalized care and these centers offer access to cutting edge treatment methods that may not be available in public addiction treatment centers.
  • Support Networks: You often build strong support networks with others who are going through similar experiences. This helps to foster a sense of mutual support and community, including strengthening family bonds. Repairing family relationships and creating a supportive home environment help support your long-term recovery.
  • Dual Diagnosis: The treatment approach to dual diagnosis is unique. Treatments for drug and alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions must occur simultaneously to increase the level of success and ensure that all aspects of your psychological, emotional, and mental health are addressed.
  • Shorter Wait Times: Most private rehab centers have a shorter wait time than public facilities. They typically have strategies in place for one-day admissions, which allows you to start treatment when you’re ready and receive crisis support when it’s needed.
  • Focus on Long-Term Recovery: Private rehab centers often have the resources to place a strong emphasis on aftercare, helping you develop a relapse prevention plan for maintaining your recovery after leaving the facility. With a focus on sustainable recovery, private centers usually provide the tools and strategies you need to maintain your sobriety in the long term.

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How Does Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counseling Fit in with a Rehab Program?

Drug and alcohol addiction counseling is a crucial component of a comprehensive rehabilitation program. The goal is to support you at every stage of your recovery. Below, we’ve outlined some examples in which counseling services are integral to addressing drug and alcohol addiction, helping you to understand the underlying cause of your substance use and develop strategies for lasting sobriety. 

  • Continued therapy sessions allow you to delve deeper into the underlying causes of your addiction, address any unresolved emotional issues, and refine coping strategies. Continued therapy can include one-on-one counseling, group therapy, or specialized therapy, such as cognitive behavioral or dialectical behavior therapy.
  • Support groups are another critical element that provides you with a community of peers who understand the challenges of recovery. Regular group meetings allow you to share your experiences and receive encouragement from others committed to sobriety. Support groups help you incorporate lifestyle changes essential for long-term success. These include healthy routines like exercise, nutrition, and mindfulness practices.
  • Aftercare programs play a significant role in sustaining the progress you made during rehabilitation. These programs usually include ongoing counseling support groups and regular check-ins with a therapist or counselor. Aftercare ensures you have access to the support you need to transition into daily life.
  • Continued monitoring through counseling and regular check-ins helps track your progress and address any emerging issues quickly. This ongoing support is crucial for sustainable recovery since it allows you to adjust your recovery as needed. Drug and alcohol addiction counseling is woven into every aspect of a rehab program, providing you with the essential support and guidance required for lasting recovery.
  • Integration into daily life allows you to incorporate the lessons and skills learned during rehab into your everyday day. This involves applying the coping strategies, communication skills, and problem-solving techniques developed in counseling to real-world situations. Whether it’s managing stress at work, rebuilding relationships, or avoiding triggers in social situations, counseling helps you navigate the complexities of life without turning to substances.

Stats and Information on Drug and Alcohol Addiction Therapy in Tennessee

Stats and Information on Drug and Alcohol Addiction Therapy in Tennessee

  • According to the latest data from SAMHSA, 325,000 Tennessee residents each year need addiction treatment but don’t receive it.
  • Data show that 5% of Tennesseans used prescription pain relievers in the past year for nonmedical reasons, and 70% of those got the drugs from a friend.
  • In 2019, Tennessee recorded over 16,000 outpatient visits and more than 7,000 inpatient stays due to overdoses.
  • In TN, 80% of all crime has some drug-related component.
  • In 2021, KFF reported 6 overdose deaths per 100,000 in TN from 2011 to 2021 as compared to 32.4 per 100,000 in the U.S.
  • In 2022, the highest percentage of individuals using alcohol in TN were males, and the highest percentage by age was between 31 and 55 years.
  • In Tennessee, the 2020 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) report included 311 substance abuse treatment facilities, with a total of 18,865 clients receiving treatment as of March 31, 2020. The survey had a 95.2% response rate in the state.
  • The top three drugs that are abused in TN are opioids, alcohol, and marijuana
  • According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, while the number of opioid prescriptions has fallen since 2013, laboratory statistics show the amount of heroin and fentanyl has continued to rise.

What We Treat

Treatment Programs

Medical Detox Center

Inpatient Treatment Program

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

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